noscriptCASTROD™ S-NFC Cast Iron Welding Rods 1kg | Cromwell Tools


CASTROD™ S-NFC Cast Iron Welding Rods 1kg

3 Variations

Cast iron welding electrode with an Iron-Nickel alloy core and a graphite coating producing a weld seam that has excellent machinability that is crack resistant.

Features and Benefits:
■ Operates with AC or DC Power Sources
■ Suitable for all arc welders
■ Deposits 95%Ni + 2%Fe weld metal

Typical Applications:
■ For high strength jointing of cast iron and cold welding of cast iron
■ Used for repairing broken cast iron, joining of cast iron to steel and building up worn parts
■ Grey cast iron such as engine gearboxes, machine tools and guideways